31 August 2009
by Dr. Booker
Silvia snapped, crackled and popped and stayed in San Antonio
In planning Season 7, the LHDP writers knew two things: Adriana Ozores, the brilliant actress who played Lola, had left the show and they needed a compelling story line for Pepa and Silvia. In drama there has to be two crucial elements: conflict and miscommunication, and if drama is successful, the perfect storm will be created.
My thesis is that the 13 episodes of Season 7 could not have happened if Adriana was still on the show. I am going to focus on how Lola's absence impacted the Pepa and Silvia story line.
Lola was not only Silvia's older sister, but in many ways, a mother figure as well. Lola was the person whom Silvia turned to when she had trouble with her love life, we all remember the kitchen scene ("I believe I am flirting with Pepa"). Even more importantly, Lola called Silvia on things and would cut through the crap.
Let's go to Season 7. We know that Pepa and Silvia have been together 14 months, they live together and everyone knows about their relationship. These two women have never discussed the case of the missing uterus. They have never talked about having children or the two scars on an otherwise perfect body.
If Lola had been around, she would have confronted Silvia after the slap fest and said "WTF?!!" She would have staged an intervention, locked them in a room until they talked, or at least act as a mediator. Instead, we waited until the fifth episode (a great PepSi episode) for them to actually talk. Who did Silvia have in her life to share her fears? Who did she turn to for advice? Sara. Sara?! And who did Pepa have? Sara and Aitor--who needs a therapist when you have these two? I believe that Lola would also have been there for Pepa. I am not saying that Lola could have controlled or changed everything, but she would have been the voice of reason, which was obviously lacking in this season.

Silvia didn't know how strong Pepa was. Pepa was accused of being a stray bullet and yes, she could be impulsive. I believe that Pepa was a dependable person, but she had stumbled in her fear of losing Silvia and she felt that Silvia had abandoned her. Silvia tells Pepa that she can't have someone flying 3000 meters above her. Because Silvia knew that she needed someone in her life who was grounded, like Lola.
In NYC, there are these massive balloons that fly over the city on Thanksgiving Day. The balloons are tethered by hundreds of people on the ground holding ropes that guide the balloons. Silvia is one of those balloons, and Lola has always been on the ground keeping Silvia steady and on course. When Lola left, Silvia expected Pepa to do the same thing and I think that Pepa did that in many ways--until this crisis. These two characters are the perfect combination of balloon and grounds person. Sometimes Pepa will be flying above the city and Silvia will be holding the rope, and then the roles will reverse. That is what they eventually learned in Season 8, that they could be the Lola for each other.

Dr. Booker
I'll be the first to comment and say: Outstanding analysis!
And if Lola were still around, the Camorra would never have happened either, because there's no way Paco and Mariano would bring nuclear waste into the house. They would not dare bring a Capo into the house and handcuff him in the bathroom. She wouldn't have allowed Mariano to break the toilet bowl. The idiots would never have gotten mixed up in this enterprise.
And Silvia and Pepa would be in their honeymoon right now, playing with the seals.
I'll be the first to congratulate you with the publication of your initial lecture. A job well done Dr. Booker. My heart ached when I saw Silvia struggling with her pain and sorrow for weeks. How I wanted to be her friend and comfort her. (sorry, wishfull thinking)I am looking forward to your next lecture.
ok... sneaking in with the time that I have to comment.
First, I want to say congrats to your new position at PepsiU (Did I read that you slept your way to the top? =P)
Secondly, what a great thesis to start off your first lecture! I don't believe many people thought what would have happen if Lola was still around. It definitly would have changed many outcomes to Season 7. It also could have changed the outcome of Pepsi.
And last, I agree that Lola was the person that kept Silvia grounded. Lola was basically Silvia's rock, she was the one who made Silvia look at the pros and cons of a situation... even if sometimes Silvia didn't listen to Lola.
Pepa & Silvia was what balanced each other out. They were able to interact verbally/physically perfectly but one could not rise higher without the other. In a way they depended on each other to get through the good and tough situations. (Poor Poor Pepa... what the heck is going to go on in Season 8!!)
Anywho... Great job! I look forward to the next coming articles Dr. Piper/Dr. Booker and Dr. Malbeca are going to come up with!!
great commentary never thought how different LHDP could've been had Lola been around
I know this is a late comment, but I'm not known for being very prompt.
What a great first lecture, Dr. Booker! Some really great analysis and observations. When Lola left in S7, I always thought about what a loss it was for Silvia not to have her big sis to turn to for advice/comfort. I never really thought about how it helped Silvia (and Pepa) grow to the point where they "could be the Lola for each other."
Anyway, I really enjoyed the lecture. Thanks!
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