26 September 2009
Don Lorenzo's Struggle
angie005, MPep

Elisabeth Kubler-Ross defined The 5 Stages of Grief aka The Kubler-Ross Model in her book titled “On Death and Dying”.
The model was first applied to human illness suffering but future development found these stages can be applied to any catastrophic personal loss.
Kubler-Ross noted that the stages do not necessarily come in order, nor will humans go through all said stages.
Don Lorenzo discovering the world he once knew was changing is no exception to the Kubler-Ross Model.

Pepa and Silvia’s First (Second) Kiss also known as the infamous Bathroom Scene was the “wake-up” call to disrupt Don Lorenzo's content life.
Elisabeth Kubler-Ross defined The 5 Stages of Grief aka The Kubler-Ross Model in her book titled “On Death and Dying”.
The model was first applied to human illness suffering but future development found these stages can be applied to any catastrophic personal loss.
Kubler-Ross noted that the stages do not necessarily come in order, nor will humans go through all said stages.
Don Lorenzo discovering the world he once knew was changing is no exception to the Kubler-Ross Model.
Pepa and Silvia’s First (Second) Kiss also known as the infamous Bathroom Scene was the “wake-up” call to disrupt Don Lorenzo's content life.
“When you get to a certain age, it becomes increasingly difficult to accept when you're wrong, and much more difficult to change your values.”
Anger - After Don Lorenzo processed what he had seen between Silvia and Pepa, and after the initial shock was dealt with, he turned to the emotions he was most comfortable with: anger. Except his anger was dealt within himself, instead of verbally expressed as per his norm.
“The juice? The juice that I’m going to squeeze from your BRAIN. You...bitch. (Despotenciada)”
Denial - When Paco approaches DL on the subject of Pepa and Silvia, DL was quick to dismiss the event ever happened.
What father would set up a surveillance, wasting thousands of dollars of police equipment and demanding an employee to do his dirty work? Only on Los Hombres de Paco.
Depression - Depression and Acceptance came quickly for DL. First, he had realized that he had lost this battle; his daughter was truly happy to be with a woman and he couldn’t change that. His values, morals and ethics and everything he believed were diminished.
With a pivotal moment as Don Lorenzo’s acceptance, it is a stepping stone further to educate the world to do the same.
“But even if you think you know how things should be, the reality is that things are simply how they are. Life isn't like a tractor that sows virtue wherever it goes, and in that you find happiness...”
angie005 MPep Commentary
Now that I have your attention, I’m pleased to announced that PepSi University has a PepSi Student Council.
Our first order of business is the new PepSi University Student Cards!
All PepSi Students are encouraged to apply for their Free PepSi Student Cards!
Our first order of business is the new PepSi University Student Cards!
All PepSi Students are encouraged to apply for their Free PepSi Student Cards!
The Student Cards will allow access in and around the PepSi University, including the Frisking Parking Garage. It also has a 10% discount at the 24/7 Bar and University Bookstore. Other promotions and deals will be added all year round.
Piper's Note:
Angie005, MPep's lecture title came from a song by Barrie Gledden called "Planet Earth". Please download and listen to it and realize how poignant that whole song is.
angie, you rock! How smart are you! Great job!
Are the faculty going to get new ID cards? Ours are made out of card stock, I think it is time for an update.
lol, I could come up with PepSiU Faculty Cards. That will come on my next lecture =)
Great lecture, Angie! Are you sure you don't deserve your DPep yet?
I think that overwhelming factor for DL is that he loves his daughter unconditionally. And in Ep 103, he finally realized why she joined the other team: Pepa is just glorious.
Congratulations on your 1st! You're not a blog virgin anymore.
Thanks Dr. Piper... do I get a grade?
Kind of feels too soon to get the DPep. I think I need a goal... like 'x' amount of thesis'/lectures and 'x' amount of research hours and so forth.
Yes, Episode 103 was the confirmation factor which lead to the great DL/Pepa interaction during Episode 104
How about A++++++++++++++? The highest grade the university can give is A+, but for you, I'm inflating it to the level of your accomplishment and wisdom
And don't forget that I love you in a totally cliched, non-meaningful way!
Great job, Angie! This made me think of the Grey's Anatomy premiere - hahaha. But getting back to LHDP, I think you did an excellent job of summarizing the progression of DL's character. I knew DL had really accepted Pepa b/c when they broke up he recognized their ridiculous mobbing/sexual harassment charges as a part of their personal relationship. He seemed to be more mad at the fact that they were wasting department resources (which is kinda hypocritical on his part) rather than being upset at Pepa and her actions.
Btw, I'm lovin' the Student ID cards, and can't wait to see what the faculty ones look like :)
homerun knocked it out da park angie005!! your a genius ALL your writings ROCK!ie(the pepa/silvia diaries)
Kalikeca, yea, I did take the 5 Stages of Grief from Grey's Anatomy. It was probably one of the most interesting parts from the season premiere lol
=) thanks swiftly!!
And to rebuttal Dr.Piper's comment on AE... I love comments and appreciate them all!! I like ego stroking!! hahaha!
PEPSI U cards!!!What an excellent idea, I cannot wait to get mine. I will talk to Dr.Piper and see if they can be used to get a discount at the Pepsi Cafeteria. Great lecture btw, its funny you mentioned the five stages of grief because I wrote about them on the thread after I saw the picture of Marian with short hair!
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