Silvialogy 2x08

22 July 2009

by Dr. Pied Piper 

(Back story: Paco saw Lucas and Sara kissing and was really mad)
Lucas got shot trying to save Paco and ended in the hospital. Lucas saw his injury as an opportunity to try to get back on Paco’s good graces and also to get Sara to stop chasing him by feigning amnesia and saying that the last thing he remembered was holding the hands of… Silvia, who of course takes this a sign that she and Lucas deserve a 2nd chance, and jumps at that chance. (Guess she forgets that she is still engaged...)

(La Pelirroja in frisking mode - guess she had lesbionic tendencies even then)




angie005 said...

Again, come on Silvia! You're making us women look like fleeting, craze, uncertain prisses!!

raven_bard said...

"La pelirroja in frisking mode - guess she had lesbionic tendancies even then" ~ ROFL! Good one.

Lovin' Silvia with straight hair. She really does have beautiful hair, wavy or straight. But I'm not lovin' the way she's trying so damn hard to get Lucas back. Calm youself pelirroja! The love of your life is coming to you soon. *chuckles*