
31 July 2009

by Dr. Pied Piper

Thanks for all your comments and votes (especially those who chose "You suck!" - I appreciate the candor).

Just a few notes:

  • Thanks, HRH Angie, MPep, for commenting on all the episodes!
  • Those who don't know where to download, just click on the title - it should take you to Megaupload where you can download the files
  • EngPNut - you're more than welcome to contribute articles, just send me your email so I can include you
So with that, muchas gracias.
And I saw that people were asking @ Livejournal why I keep this blog when I added an extra name to Marian's (as in Marian Fucking Aguilera) once upon a time - the answer is this is NOT about the actress. This is all about Silvia & Pepa - although for now, I've only been posting Silvia episodes. (Sorry, no LJ account...)
This is the PepSi University, where academic freedom and frank discourse and debates are encouraged. Apologies are not necessary because judgments are not bestowed, egos are not stroked, and forgiveness is not sought. The only thing I will take offense on is cluelessness, whether you're 22 or 82 - our brain cells need the occasional exercise. Youth is not an excuse for sheer obliviousness.
In saying these things, I know that some will take offense, which means you're not as clueless as I thought, and Yay! for that. But really, there are other places where Marian Aguilera (and occasionally, Laura Sanchez) is/are discussed and pursued in ernest. Just not here, not because of some moral high ground (because we all know I could go all the way down the gutter if I want to so need to be hyprocritical about it) but because I just don't see the relevance.
Thanks again.


by Dr. Pied Piper

Thanks for all your comments and votes (especially those who chose "You suck!" - I appreciate the candor).

Just a few notes:

  • Thanks, HRH Angie, MPep, for commenting on all the episodes!
  • Those who don't know where to download, just click on the title - it should take you to Megaupload where you can download the files
  • EngPNut - you're more than welcome to contribute articles, just send me your email so I can include you
So with that, muchas gracias.
And I saw that people were asking @ Livejournal why I keep this blog when I added an extra name to Marian's (as in Marian Fucking Aguilera) once upon a time - the answer is this is NOT about the actress. This is all about Silvia & Pepa - although for now, I've only been posting Silvia episodes. (Sorry, no LJ account...)
This is the PepSi University, where academic freedom and frank discourse and debates are encouraged. Apologies are not necessary because judgments are not bestowed, egos are not stroked, and forgiveness is not sought. The only thing I will take offense on is cluelessness, whether you're 22 or 82 - our brain cells need the occasional exercise. Youth is not an excuse for sheer obliviousness.
In saying these things, I know that some will take offense, which means you're not as clueless as I thought, and Yay! for that. But really, there are other places where Marian Aguilera (and occasionally, Laura Sanchez) is/are discussed and pursued in ernest. Just not here, not because of some moral high ground (because we all know I could go all the way down the gutter if I want to so need to be hyprocritical about it) but because I just don't see the relevance.
Thanks again.

Any Feedback Would Be Nice

30 July 2009

by Dr. Pied Piper 

********** UPDATE: Thanks for the feedback - at least I know that this is actually worth my while. Poll results showed 95% in favor, 4.5% think I suck, and 0.5% wants to obliterate this blog into oblivion because Silvia is dead, in which case I would just advise you not to visit since you will only annoy yourself. To those who think I suck, thanks for the honesty. **********

I have posted a lot of episodes and screen caps and I have NOT gotten a single comment other than "you posted the wrong episode". Dudes, any feedback would be nice - from a simple "thank you" to "you suck" - feedback would be really nice. (Jen and Vera exempted)

I don't even know if people are reading my writeups and downloading the episodes, and I spend time doing them. The comment section is set up to accept ANY comment - you don't need a blogger account to post. You can even post ANONYMOUSLY. Yes, that's right!

So - until I hear anything, ANYTHING AT ALL, I am NOT uploading any more episode or posting any writeup if it's for naught. I don't want to waste my time if no one really cares.

Also, please take the time to answer the poll - look to your right. Yeah, that one.

SERIOUSLY, if I don't get at least 25 comments and 500 votes by next week, Pepsi University is going on sabbatical. Not to stroke my ego - just to let me know if what I'm doing is worth my while.

My own comments do not count!

Any Feedback Would Be Nice

by Dr. Pied Piper 

********** UPDATE: Thanks for the feedback - at least I know that this is actually worth my while. Poll results showed 95% in favor, 4.5% think I suck, and 0.5% wants to obliterate this blog into oblivion because Silvia is dead, in which case I would just advise you not to visit since you will only annoy yourself. To those who think I suck, thanks for the honesty. **********

I have posted a lot of episodes and screen caps and I have NOT gotten a single comment other than "you posted the wrong episode". Dudes, any feedback would be nice - from a simple "thank you" to "you suck" - feedback would be really nice. (Jen and Vera exempted)

I don't even know if people are reading my writeups and downloading the episodes, and I spend time doing them. The comment section is set up to accept ANY comment - you don't need a blogger account to post. You can even post ANONYMOUSLY. Yes, that's right!

So - until I hear anything, ANYTHING AT ALL, I am NOT uploading any more episode or posting any writeup if it's for naught. I don't want to waste my time if no one really cares.

Also, please take the time to answer the poll - look to your right. Yeah, that one.

SERIOUSLY, if I don't get at least 25 comments and 500 votes by next week, Pepsi University is going on sabbatical. Not to stroke my ego - just to let me know if what I'm doing is worth my while.

My own comments do not count!

Silvialogy 3x10

29 July 2009

by Dr. Pied Piper  
As I said before, this is one of my favorite Silvia episodes because of 2 things: one, this is when Silvia dumps Gonzalo, and two, I have a partial translation courtesy of someone I used to know. Partial because I deleted all her emails and PMs, so I lost the full translation, and "someone I used to know" because, well. it's the first and last time I would ever fall for a 24-year old Spaniard ever again.

I still cringe when I think of the entire experience... but the irony is that I will always have a special place for her in the deepest recesses of my heart...

LHDP 3x10

Lots of Silvia screen time. It starts when Don Lorenzo invites Sara to stay over at his place since Lola is in jail. Silvia walks in and saves Sara from hanging out with grandpa.

Outside, Montoya sees a mopey Ruth and invites her to dinner. Without telling Silvia first, who is pissed he springs it out on her.

Montoya: Everything fine?
Ruth: Well, this is not my best day really..and having my ex two offices (i.e, DL) away doesn’t help much either..
Yeah I know... well, we’re not gonna leave you here like this. Why don’t you come home tonight to dinner with us?
Ruth: Okay, okay!
Montoya: Silvia, look, I’ve invited Ruth to dinner with us today
Silvia: Right..and have you planned to invite someone else?
Ruth: Guys…if you like we can leave it for another day
Montoya: No... but what’s wrong (looking at Silvia) do I have to tell you things in advance? C’mon, don’t be so stubborn (“cuadriculada”)
Silvia: (Ironically) No, I really like your surprises, it’s just that you could have thought that my sister in in jail, and I don’t feel like having a “friends dinner” (Silvia looks at Ruth) Gonzalo now seems to live “a tumba abierta” (A Spanish idiom, literally means “to live with the grave opened” to refer to a person who can’t keep private things in private and speaks about the intimate details of his life to everybody)
Montoya: Uuhh you know, Silvia lives with a parachute (paracaídas)

Later at the briefing room, Don Lorenzo announces that Paco will be on vacation for personal reasons. Silvia, still pissed at Gonzalo, says that maybe he has some surprises for the crew. Montoya talks about the case at hand about a group of thieves who robs big department stores. Silvia's perm seems to fade with each scene.

Later on, Silvia sends Montoya a SMS which says "I’m sorry, I think I have gone too far. When I see you again im gonna show you the “cuadratura” (does “squaring” make any sense?) squaring of my bed and the Artic Circle. Kiss. Silvia"

At Silvia's house, we see Sara looking at Silvia's old photos with Lucas before she goes to bed. Later, Montoya lets himself into the flat and immediately strips naked, thinking that it is Silvia on the bed, climbs up next to Sara.
Gonzalo (dirty talk): To measure everything... well I bring a big square set to measure the intensity of your moans… come here Scully cause I’m going to put your test tube at ribbon stage (does it make sense in English? It’s a very colloquial, and vulgar Spanish saying..”te voy a poner la probeta a punto de nieve” meaning, you know, he’s going to make love to her in a passionate way). Your jackal is back.
Then Sara screams and Silvia enters the room. Montoya tries to cover his hoohoo with the first thing he can find - a picture of Don Lorenzo on Silvia's night stand. (Very funny scene)

Silvia: Gonzalo!? What are you doing like this?
Montoya: I didn’t think it was you (looking at Sara) but you (looking at Silvia)…and this…(looking at his parts) because of the rubbing/friction… it... gets bigger (literally he says it “se amorcilla” meaning that it becomes like a “morcilla” which is similar to a chorizo - to describe his woody) And… two have things to talk about...
He leaves the room and Sara bursts into laugher while Silvia looks aghast.
Sara: Im very happy that you are with Gonzalo, he’s the best of the police station
Silvia: Wasn’t that Lucas?
Sara: Well… the best for me is Lucas... in his way, right?
Silvia: Well, love is not only eating each other with kisses on every corner. That is ok at 16..then you look for other things... stability... (as she looks wistfully at old photos of her and Lucas)
Sara: Yeah… so you’re going to tell me that Gonzalo doesn’t drive you crazy? With that body… see? We are not so different.
(Montoya enters the room again because he forgot his undies)
Sara: Poor guy... God he’s given me such a fright (laughing)
The following morning, Montoya sees Silvia and starts apologizing but Silvia basically ignores him.
Montoya: Silvia…I wante to talk to you about yesterday..i didn’t know it was Sara who was in bed. Plus, as I got your sms… this thing about the Artic circle and…
Silvia: Gonzalo, I don’t have time for this. Uh, besides... these days that Sara is home... don’t come over... do you mind?
Montoya: Oh ok, it’s all right. But Silvia you are not upset right? Cause if I touched Sara’s leg it was because she sleeps without pyjama... she was wearing not much more than her knickers... and “that” thing you saw had the size it had because it’s a muscular reflex….
Silvia: Gonzalo, would you mind not following me all over the police station?
Montoya: Sure, but I wanted to clarify that yeah, there was contact, but nothing more, seriously. Besides, you are my favourite “peliroja”, with your circles… Sil...

This is very significant because Silvia told Lola that she actually follows Pepa all over the police station, when that very same action annoyed the heck out of her in this episode.
Silvia finds out that Lucas went to the flat to visit Sara, so she confronts him about it.
Silvia: What the hell were you doing at my place?
Lucas: You’ve taken evidence, fingerprints or what?
Silvia: No, Sara told me, and she also said that you guys were making out
Lucas: I didn’t know that I had to ask you for permission to see Sara
Silvia: No Lucas, but I don’t want you to use my house as a riding school (in Spanish a riding school “picadero” is also used colloquially to refer to the secret place somebody has to take girls/guys and make out or have sex). When she leaves you can do whatever you want do, but while she is with me, don’t come. Don’t put me in that position, please, just try to wait
Lucas: Wait? Do you know that all I do is wait? Wait till she is 18 years-old, wait till Paco understands it, wait till you guys stop judging us… wait.
Silvia: Oh I’m sorry (ironically), I forgot that it was our fault. You alone have turned your life and Sara’s into the point of attention for a lot of people. Is that the life you want to have? Picking up a minor at the school entrance and running away when her father comes?
Lucas: You’re right Silvia, but you know what? I’m crazy about her, crazy, sick, but I can’t. So I’m going to try to find somebody of my age, somebody gentle, good people, and live my own life. Isn't that what everybody does? Well, so I will be able to do it as well.
Silvia: Hey, nobody told you to do that, you can be happy with someone who is not Sara
Lucas: I know, I know. Thanks Silvia, thanks. It’s been a long time since you did not tell me off, it’s as if we were married again.
(One of the outtake scenes)
This is where my translated parts end, unfortunately...
The following day, Silvia informs Sara that Lucas told her he's going to look for someone else closer to his age, so Sara cries. You can tell that Silvia is hopeful again that she and Lucas would hook up.

Montoya sees Silvia in Don Lorenzo's office and he immediately assumes that they're talking about his naked adventure with Sara, so he butts in (pun intended) and tries to explain himself. DL didn't know what happened, but he does now. Silvia takes Montoya outside and says she needs space and basically dumps him. As she's walking away, he yells that she's "inorgasmo" - literally means someone who doesn't have orgasms. (Now we know how magical Pepa really has been!)
Later that evening, everyone is at Cachis to celebrate Lola's release from jail. Silvia sees Lucas dragging Pove to the kitchen to get him to rat on Paco.
(Back story: Paco asked Pove to safeguard the printout and to memorize a series of numbers - before the printout got wet and smudged and indecipherable).
Silvia follows them and prevents Lucas from strangling Pove. She then looks at the numbers that Pove wrote down and something catches her attention: 22 650 000. She shows it to Lucas who recognizes its significance.

Silvialogy 3x10

by Dr. Pied Piper  
As I said before, this is one of my favorite Silvia episodes because of 2 things: one, this is when Silvia dumps Gonzalo, and two, I have a partial translation courtesy of someone I used to know. Partial because I deleted all her emails and PMs, so I lost the full translation, and "someone I used to know" because, well. it's the first and last time I would ever fall for a 24-year old Spaniard ever again.

I still cringe when I think of the entire experience... but the irony is that I will always have a special place for her in the deepest recesses of my heart...

LHDP 3x10

Lots of Silvia screen time. It starts when Don Lorenzo invites Sara to stay over at his place since Lola is in jail. Silvia walks in and saves Sara from hanging out with grandpa.

Outside, Montoya sees a mopey Ruth and invites her to dinner. Without telling Silvia first, who is pissed he springs it out on her.

Montoya: Everything fine?
Ruth: Well, this is not my best day really..and having my ex two offices (i.e, DL) away doesn’t help much either..
Yeah I know... well, we’re not gonna leave you here like this. Why don’t you come home tonight to dinner with us?
Ruth: Okay, okay!
Montoya: Silvia, look, I’ve invited Ruth to dinner with us today
Silvia: Right..and have you planned to invite someone else?
Ruth: Guys…if you like we can leave it for another day
Montoya: No... but what’s wrong (looking at Silvia) do I have to tell you things in advance? C’mon, don’t be so stubborn (“cuadriculada”)
Silvia: (Ironically) No, I really like your surprises, it’s just that you could have thought that my sister in in jail, and I don’t feel like having a “friends dinner” (Silvia looks at Ruth) Gonzalo now seems to live “a tumba abierta” (A Spanish idiom, literally means “to live with the grave opened” to refer to a person who can’t keep private things in private and speaks about the intimate details of his life to everybody)
Montoya: Uuhh you know, Silvia lives with a parachute (paracaídas)

Later at the briefing room, Don Lorenzo announces that Paco will be on vacation for personal reasons. Silvia, still pissed at Gonzalo, says that maybe he has some surprises for the crew. Montoya talks about the case at hand about a group of thieves who robs big department stores. Silvia's perm seems to fade with each scene.

Later on, Silvia sends Montoya a SMS which says "I’m sorry, I think I have gone too far. When I see you again im gonna show you the “cuadratura” (does “squaring” make any sense?) squaring of my bed and the Artic Circle. Kiss. Silvia"

At Silvia's house, we see Sara looking at Silvia's old photos with Lucas before she goes to bed. Later, Montoya lets himself into the flat and immediately strips naked, thinking that it is Silvia on the bed, climbs up next to Sara.
Gonzalo (dirty talk): To measure everything... well I bring a big square set to measure the intensity of your moans… come here Scully cause I’m going to put your test tube at ribbon stage (does it make sense in English? It’s a very colloquial, and vulgar Spanish saying..”te voy a poner la probeta a punto de nieve” meaning, you know, he’s going to make love to her in a passionate way). Your jackal is back.
Then Sara screams and Silvia enters the room. Montoya tries to cover his hoohoo with the first thing he can find - a picture of Don Lorenzo on Silvia's night stand. (Very funny scene)

Silvia: Gonzalo!? What are you doing like this?
Montoya: I didn’t think it was you (looking at Sara) but you (looking at Silvia)…and this…(looking at his parts) because of the rubbing/friction… it... gets bigger (literally he says it “se amorcilla” meaning that it becomes like a “morcilla” which is similar to a chorizo - to describe his woody) And… two have things to talk about...
He leaves the room and Sara bursts into laugher while Silvia looks aghast.
Sara: Im very happy that you are with Gonzalo, he’s the best of the police station
Silvia: Wasn’t that Lucas?
Sara: Well… the best for me is Lucas... in his way, right?
Silvia: Well, love is not only eating each other with kisses on every corner. That is ok at 16..then you look for other things... stability... (as she looks wistfully at old photos of her and Lucas)
Sara: Yeah… so you’re going to tell me that Gonzalo doesn’t drive you crazy? With that body… see? We are not so different.
(Montoya enters the room again because he forgot his undies)
Sara: Poor guy... God he’s given me such a fright (laughing)
The following morning, Montoya sees Silvia and starts apologizing but Silvia basically ignores him.
Montoya: Silvia…I wante to talk to you about yesterday..i didn’t know it was Sara who was in bed. Plus, as I got your sms… this thing about the Artic circle and…
Silvia: Gonzalo, I don’t have time for this. Uh, besides... these days that Sara is home... don’t come over... do you mind?
Montoya: Oh ok, it’s all right. But Silvia you are not upset right? Cause if I touched Sara’s leg it was because she sleeps without pyjama... she was wearing not much more than her knickers... and “that” thing you saw had the size it had because it’s a muscular reflex….
Silvia: Gonzalo, would you mind not following me all over the police station?
Montoya: Sure, but I wanted to clarify that yeah, there was contact, but nothing more, seriously. Besides, you are my favourite “peliroja”, with your circles… Sil...

This is very significant because Silvia told Lola that she actually follows Pepa all over the police station, when that very same action annoyed the heck out of her in this episode.
Silvia finds out that Lucas went to the flat to visit Sara, so she confronts him about it.
Silvia: What the hell were you doing at my place?
Lucas: You’ve taken evidence, fingerprints or what?
Silvia: No, Sara told me, and she also said that you guys were making out
Lucas: I didn’t know that I had to ask you for permission to see Sara
Silvia: No Lucas, but I don’t want you to use my house as a riding school (in Spanish a riding school “picadero” is also used colloquially to refer to the secret place somebody has to take girls/guys and make out or have sex). When she leaves you can do whatever you want do, but while she is with me, don’t come. Don’t put me in that position, please, just try to wait
Lucas: Wait? Do you know that all I do is wait? Wait till she is 18 years-old, wait till Paco understands it, wait till you guys stop judging us… wait.
Silvia: Oh I’m sorry (ironically), I forgot that it was our fault. You alone have turned your life and Sara’s into the point of attention for a lot of people. Is that the life you want to have? Picking up a minor at the school entrance and running away when her father comes?
Lucas: You’re right Silvia, but you know what? I’m crazy about her, crazy, sick, but I can’t. So I’m going to try to find somebody of my age, somebody gentle, good people, and live my own life. Isn't that what everybody does? Well, so I will be able to do it as well.
Silvia: Hey, nobody told you to do that, you can be happy with someone who is not Sara
Lucas: I know, I know. Thanks Silvia, thanks. It’s been a long time since you did not tell me off, it’s as if we were married again.
(One of the outtake scenes)
This is where my translated parts end, unfortunately...
The following day, Silvia informs Sara that Lucas told her he's going to look for someone else closer to his age, so Sara cries. You can tell that Silvia is hopeful again that she and Lucas would hook up.

Montoya sees Silvia in Don Lorenzo's office and he immediately assumes that they're talking about his naked adventure with Sara, so he butts in (pun intended) and tries to explain himself. DL didn't know what happened, but he does now. Silvia takes Montoya outside and says she needs space and basically dumps him. As she's walking away, he yells that she's "inorgasmo" - literally means someone who doesn't have orgasms. (Now we know how magical Pepa really has been!)
Later that evening, everyone is at Cachis to celebrate Lola's release from jail. Silvia sees Lucas dragging Pove to the kitchen to get him to rat on Paco.
(Back story: Paco asked Pove to safeguard the printout and to memorize a series of numbers - before the printout got wet and smudged and indecipherable).
Silvia follows them and prevents Lucas from strangling Pove. She then looks at the numbers that Pove wrote down and something catches her attention: 22 650 000. She shows it to Lucas who recognizes its significance.