22 July 2009
by Dr. Pied Piper
Silvia's 1st appearance (in oversize police formals). We learn that she was on therapy after her divorce from Lucas, and Lucas reminds her that she got everything in the divorce. Lucas asks her if she still lives at their house, and she says yes, although she bought a new bed.

Our forensics doctor is sharp, so she already suspects, after seeing an earring, that it was her niece who was actually with Lucas that night. We also, meet Concha, Paco and Pepa's mama.
It's crazy how young Silvia looks in these older episodes and really it's only been 4 years.
Do we know if Silvia worked at the precinct before her divorce with Lucas? I heard that the first episode she was introduced as the new forensic inspector but didn't know if that was true or not.
Your wish is my command...Here is my Comment...For no reason i haved looked at your site until now. I like and will come back!
xox y.
Silvia's still gorgeous. I actually prefer her clothes in these earlier seasons. Less..."WHAAA" if you get my drift. Lol.
So sorry for the lack of comments. I've never visited your site until now...knew there was something nagging at the back of my head but with uni...my mind's been a lil scattered. Thanks for these. Will continue reading.
didn't know this existed till now. i will definately be back. thanks for the uploads.
wow her straight hair makes her look so different! more sophisticated? dunno. thanks piedpiper!
I should wait to see more episodes but this Silvia is very much neurotic. It's not about doubts, fears and being on guards. It's not the kind of rigidity you would want to soften.
She's monolithic in her obsession on Lucas: keeping in her handbag the evidence of the night she found a woman in the shower after a year, taking advantage of the lie-detector to know for truth if he was unfaithful. So crazy and unprofessional. I only agree with her when she says it makes a great difference knowing that you've been dumped when you were thinking the opposite.
One more thing: when Silvia read the e-mail Sara was writing before she came in, on the screen we can see it is addressed to her "tia", is it Pepa?
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