26 July 2009
by Dr. Pied Piper
LHDP 3x07
Everyone gathers at Cachis after Bernarda's funeral, all sad and worried about Mariano. Until Mariano comes in nonchalantly, carrying the urn with Bernarda's ashes, and goes into the kitchen to get some beer and food.
(Silvia and Curtis are still going to the same hairdresser who gave them matching shaggy perm).
Later on, Paco is in the Comisaria at night and trying to evade the Internal Affairs people. He sees Silvia on the 2nd floor and calls her mobile. Silvia, who seems to live in the Comisaria, helps him escape.

Episode Commentary: Even though there's not much Silvia, this episode and the one after show LHDP at its best with the Pacos trying to show how sad they are for Mariano's loss, and Mariano simply being whatever about it. I wonder if they got any complaints about killing off Bernarda?
There may be very little Silvia time but it's still good enough.
This kind of reminds me of Grey's Anatomy. You want more Callie/Arizona time but your left with 10-20 seconds but you just strug your shoulders and take what you can get.
silvia looks great in the last several pics
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