21 October 2009
by Chef BigMarianFan
I was meant to be writing a food column this week, describing the wonderful cuisine we had on our trip to Amsterdam. Unfortunately BMF smoked one too many "herbal cigarettes" and spent far too much time in the red light district practising pole dancing and how to drink shots off various female body parts, meaning I did not find much time to eat!. What shocked me the most is when I FINALLY sat down at a restaurant, exhausted, blurry eyed, in need of a nice warming dish to return me back to planet earth, this is what was presented to me (see above)
I was meant to be writing a food column this week, describing the wonderful cuisine we had on our trip to Amsterdam. Unfortunately BMF smoked one too many "herbal cigarettes" and spent far too much time in the red light district practising pole dancing and how to drink shots off various female body parts, meaning I did not find much time to eat!. What shocked me the most is when I FINALLY sat down at a restaurant, exhausted, blurry eyed, in need of a nice warming dish to return me back to planet earth, this is what was presented to me (see above)
Needless to say after indulging in that menu, I was away with the fairies again and had to return to the comfort of my hotel room where Azwombat was waiting for me in the shower. She had been there for hours and her skin was all shrivelled like a prunes (or like Scoopgirl after her jacuzzi session with Booker)! I tried to leave the hotel room, to go find PM and KalikeCA but apparently PM had passed out in "Celas Bar" in the centre of town, having attempted to try every drink they sold and as for KalikeCA, well she had found a karaoke bar and point blank refused to leave until they played every song on the jukebox!
Dr Booker informed me that the Uitsmijter and Erwtensoep were fantastic and she very kindly sent me some pictures from her Blackberry.
For those of you who have no idea what Erwtensoep and Uitsmijter are, I will summarise.

Uitsmijter- fried ham and eggs with mustard cheese (or food you chomp on when you have the munchies).
I know you all expected recipes this week but I had no memorable food whatsoever that was worth recreating back home. I did see and smell some wonderful foods in the various restaurants I stumbled past and think they deserve special mention.
Pannekoeken and Poffertjes - Dutch pancakes similar to French crepes, served flat on a dinner plate, topped with confectioners' sugar, jam, syrup, hot apples, or typically Dutch hot ginger sauce. The less common kind are called pannekoeken which contain different types of meat. Poffertjes are small fried-pancake "puffs" coated with confectioners' sugar and filled with syrup or liqueur.

Saucijzenbrood - A hot dog, except the bun's made of flaky pastry and the hot dog is a spicy Dutch wurst, or sausage. Again they looked delicisious and if I ever return, that will be the first thing I wrap my lips around!
Tostis -Grilled ham-and-cheese sandwiches (Okay we actually have these in every country so they are not that special!)
Vlammetjes (little flames) - diminutive spring rolls which make up in fiery aggression for what they lack in size
mhhhhhhhhhhh Saucijzenbrood......love it but can't spell it.
Btw I just want to say, I did't pass out in Celas bar I just meditated. It helps me, especially when I'm alcoholic challenged (i.e. the menu has more than 20 drinks on it);-)
BMF love the column.
So where do we go next? Dublin, Rom or Berlin?
PM aka Poker Queen
I think I was the only sober one on this trip, and yet I was high as a kite.
I love all this food, thank you for bringing this all back to us.
Wait. We were in Amsterdam? All I remember is an airplane, a hotel room, the shower and the bathtub. The Sacijzenbrood does sound delicious.
Magnificent column, my darling Future Wife!
For some reason, "Dutch cuisine" seems like an oxymoron to me.
Dutch cooking in Lancaster Country, PA (about 2 hours west of Philadelphia) has evolved into something completely different, with fares like "Shoo-Fly Pie" (i.e., so sticky, you have to shoo the flies away) in towns like "Bird-in-the-Hand" and "Intercourse". At least what the food lacks in novelty, the town names compensate in originality.
Thanks for the article, although I think I'd pass on Dutch food right now.
BMF you should have tried bitterballen, a frikandel, a kroket and stroopwafels. Booker and I did and we both loved it. Food wise I stick to the Italian kitchen. Smoke wise I got high on Nederwiet.
I think this is my favorite column of yours to date. The herbal enhancements. The food. The music. It was a fantastic trip! Btw, I didn't have them play ALL of the songs. Just all of the good ones. Ok, ok. I might've suggested a few more, but you know, you can never have too much music :)
Did you really go to amsterdam or is it just another "virtual" adventure? This one seems real
LMAO, a total dutch kitchen.......... Nice job!
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