29 October 2009
Halloween is only two days away, which means you don't have a lot of time left to come up with a costume. So if you're still scrambling for an idea, you're in luck. I noticed that the hombres on LHDP go undercover quite a bit, and, despite the fact that they hardly ever utilized Pepa - the elite undercover agent - their missions provide excellent ideas for various Halloween costumes. To begin, our first costume idea comes from the infamous undercover striptease mission: stripper cops.
Only on LHDP will you see cops going undercover as strippers. Dressed like cops. A costume like this can be found at any costume store. However, chairs (for your routine, of course) and mini guns are optional.
Now I know that Sara isn't very popular in the PepSidom (she's definitely one of my least favorite characters), but she has gone undercover enough times to provide several costume ideas such as:The slutty/sexy businesswoman. You can pull this outfit together with clothes from your closet - a vest, blazer, miniskirt, tie and some heels. You can also throw in a fedora, some stockings and a garter to achieve an even sexier effect.
A nun. Personally, I don't know why you would want to go as a nun for Halloween - it seems so restrictive - but I'm throwing it out as an idea just in case you really wanna tap into your inner Catholic.
We all know Rita has an obsession with going undercover as a prostitute. Here she shows that a dress, a wig, and the right attitude is all you really need to accomplish that look.If you're looking for a sportier costume, here are two ideas:
A boxer. This is a simple costume that only requires some boxing shorts (basketball/soccer shorts are a good substitute), a tank top, and some boxing gloves that you can probably pick up at any sporting goods store.
An underground fighter. How is this different from a boxer? Umm, just look at the picture - underground fighters clearly have fewer clothes. You can use the robe to conceal your look, and achieve an even bigger "wow" factor once you take it off.
This last idea isn't based off of any undercover mission, but I want to throw it out anyway because it was one of the last episodes on the show where I actually like Aitor: be a goat tamer. The only thing you need for this costume is a tambourine. And a goat, although you could try getting a friend to go as a goat for you. If you choose this costume, I'd like to request that you throw in a cowbell for your act too, because "I got a fever, and the only prescription is more cowbell!" (By the way, if you haven't seen the SNL skit that that quote comes from, you need to Google it. Now.)Of course, if you really want, you and your significant other can go as "Undercover Lovers" as random_flores once dubbed PepSi in her recap of Ep. 96. Oh wait. I'm thinking of games you can play while at a Halloween party. My bad.
Whatever you decide to dress up as, have fun with it. After all, it is Halloween, and no other holiday is more perfect for making a scene (and getting away with it) than Halloween.
*The title for this lecture is based on lyrics from the song "This is Halloween" from the movie The Nightmare Before Christmas.
for a lawyer you have alot of time on your hands =P
Great article!! I would had never corresponded all those undercover missions to be great halloween costumes!
how much do I love your lectures? you are simply divine.
this show is full of little outfits and they are so skimpy...loving it.
congratulations, my snowboarding writer.
Another fantabulous lecture!
There was a group of attorneys that showed up to work today dressed as boxers...and I immediately thought about Pepa, ha!
KC - awesome lecture. San Antonio is in itself its own Horror House, so it just follows that they have excellent costume ideas. The perps alone that had graced its hallowed interrogation rooms can fill an entire Halloween Store with scary characters!
And of course, there's Blackman, Freaky Hanibal Lecter Surgeon from Season 2 Season premiere, Pacos dressed as clowns, priests, bishops, matadors!
Thanks for the lecture.
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