17 November 2009
Soul mates
The soul should always stand ajar
Ready to welcome the ecstatic experience
- Emily Dickinson
Ready to welcome the ecstatic experience
- Emily Dickinson
The writers of LHDP had given us minimum information about Pepa’s and Silvia’s first encounter. We know about the commotion Pepa caused at Sara’s first Communion when she kissed Silvia. Unfortunately we don’t know how strong their friendship was and how long it lasted.
When Pepa returned to San Antonio after 8 years we witnessed something special. The heartwarming look Silvia gave Pepa when she saw her at the shooting gallery was a glance of remembering the past they shared. Pepa recognized the same look when she smiled at Silvia. The unspoken connection between these two women was noticeably strong and powerful.
Pepa’s feelings for Silvia had never changed. She was still in love with the redhead. Although Pepa has had numerous male and female lovers, she never felt so comfortable, and at ease with herself as when she was with Silvia. It broke her heart when Silvia broke up with her after Pepa had her moment of weakness with Aitor. It felt like her heart was ripped out and the invisible ties between them were severed. She missed her partner, her lover and her soul mate. Pepa gave clear signals she wanted Silvia back in her life. Not being able to talk, laugh, cry, kiss, or make love with her Pelirroja was too hard to endure.

The men in Silvia's life had not been able to satisfy her emotional needs. We know Silvia and Lucas had a pretty good sex life. With Marques and Montoya she didn’t have orgasms. We can safely assume that sex with Pepa was fantastic, it was evident from the look of lust and love on Silvia's face. Silvia found temporary happiness with Lucas but had to let him go when she wrongly assumed that he was cheating on her. This is when her marriage to Lucas started to crumble.
Marques was the rebound guy. In Angie’s earlier lecture on Montoya and his relationship with Silvia it’s made clear Montoya wanted more than Silvia was prepared to give. Then Pepa came back to San Antonio and Silvia finally found love. Through Pepa she found her inner self. Her love for Pepa was so strong that she couldn’t fight it any longer and admitted to her family and friends that Pepa was the person she has been looking for. Unfortunately Silvia’s death has disconnected the earthly bond with Pepa. But one day, I believe, they will be reunited.
I believe Pepa and Silvia were destined to be together. To me they were soul mates. It’s not a coincidence when you meet your other half. A soul mate loves you unconditionally and will be there for you without needing to be asked. It is a connection that has no boundaries, no restrictions, and no obligations. There is only mutual understanding and respect.
Here are two women, two souls, whose bond and connection is so strong, that they become one. I believe there’s a soul mate for all of us in this world. If you haven’t met yours yet, open your heart and your soul mate will come to you. This poem sums up all my feelings for my soul mate.
Eternal Soul Matesby Lisa Teller
You are the one,
with whom I'm destined to be,
across space and time,
you are drawn to me,
One love, one life, we are destined to be,
soul mates forever throughout eternity,
In past lives I have loved you,
In this life I love you too,
And I know if I shall live again,
I am destined to love you,
across space and time, you are drawn to me,
One love, one life, we are destined to be,
Soul mates forever throughout eternity,
I know I'll always find you where ever you are,
No matter the consequence,
No matter how far,
Even in death I shall love you more,
to fuel my search to find you,
so we shall love once more,
across space and time, you are drawn to me
One love, one life, we are destined to be,
Soul mates forever throughout eternity.
I don't believe in soulmates. I think it is a spurious myth perpetuated by stoned new agey romantic dreamers who were desperately searching for any justification for an otherwise visceral and biological reaction of one human to another.
What is a soulmate exactly, anyway? There is a plethora of thesis on this subject, but I will stick to the lecture's definition:
I believe Pepa and Silvia were destined to be together. To me they were soul mates. It’s not a coincidence when you meet your other half. A soul mate loves you unconditionally and will be there for you without needing to be asked. It is a connection that has no boundaries, no restrictions, and no obligations. There is only mutual understanding and respect.
I believe Pepa and Silvia were destined to be together. To me they were soul mates.
The lecture introduces 2 key corollaries from the concept of soul mate: destiny and an other-worldly dimension.
First, destiny as a concept might be pure romance but it has no real basis in reality. By saying that something is destined to be means it doesn't matter how someone gets there, as long as they get there. But when you factor in the whole concept of life - people you meet, events you experience, other exogenous variables - it is mathematically inconceivable to believe in the concept of destiny. When you think of 7 billion people, each one with a unique destiny to be fulfilled over a certain period of time, the amount of events that would need to happen precisely in a particular order of time and space is staggering!
Next concept is an other-worldly dimension, let's call it Heaven, where 2 disembodied entities have met and made a pact to meet again. I do believe there are other dimensions - the physicists' last count is 11 - but to assume that each one of us is supposed to hook up with ONE AND ONLY ONE particular person seems untenable. First, if Aristotle was correct - that each one of us is simply fiddling around until we find that other half of our soul to make us whole - then we can totally justify rejecting people and throwing away relationships because "after all, we're not soul mates". Then the only thing we'd leave behind in our wake is a trail of broken hearts and broken relationships. It also makes it easy to simply walk away when things get hard because "we're not soul mates. Otherwise, things wouldn't be hard."
There is no neon sign, no pointing arrow, no tattoo that tells you that person is your soulmate. The truth of the matter is you do not know. We do now know. And that's why we live our lives trying to be good to one another - not because of some self-serving soulmate altruism - but because the alternative is not so appealing.
Now back to Pepa and Silvia: they complement each other and that is attributable to psychology. They are both very hot - that is genetics with sociological elements. And they are attracted to each other - totally explainable by genetic predisposition to homosexuality and a psychological enthrallment with what society thinks is beautiful.
But that is just totally my opinion, and in the words of the Great Angie005, MPep: the concept of soul mate, like love, is just a conspiracy.
Thanks for the lecture.
An American student moves to Naples and on her first day there she is taken to a gelato bar. And there she meets the woman that would change her life. Was that destiny or a happy accident? I believe in soul mates and destiny, and I am a happy recipient of that belief.
Something brought us together...no matter what you want to call it. And I think that Pepa and Silvia were destined to be together--there is no doubt in my mind.
I also believe that I was supposed to work at PepSiU and meet the fabulous Dr. P.
I think you did a fabulous job making your case, Scoopgirl. I think, if nothing else, you have made people think.
Dear Docteur P,
Did I read correctly "genetic predisposition to homosexuality" ???
Did someone hijack your user_id and password ?
A devoted reader,
Interesting lecture Scoopgirl. I’m curious to know why you choose to write this as your first lecture.
Yes, I undoubtedly believe that others out there believe Pepa and Silvia are soul mates. It was clear that was what the writers wanted us to feel. I had that moment where I felt what the writers wrote and what the actress portrayed.
What I like about the history of Pepa and Silvia is that lack of information we are given about their past together. It gives a person the freedom to imagine what did happen or what could happen instead of being a stuck with a story. We know these two share one kiss years ago that set their paths. But we are given the curiosity to think: how did it happen? what were they like when they were younger? what was their story?
Scoopgirl wrote:
Although Pepa has had numerous male and female lovers, she never felt so comfortable, and at ease with herself as when she was with Silvia. It broke her heart when Silvia broke up with her after Pepa had her moment of weakness with Aitor.
I don’t see it as Pepa having a moment of weakness but directing herself into an old path. Eight years ago, Pepa fell in love with Silvia but didn’t know if the redhead felt the same. As she is torn from being in a “one-sided” love, she goes into a path of meaningless sex with men and women. As Pepa said after Silvia found out what happen between her and Aitor, he and the sex meant nothing to her (I still cringe at the thought that Pepa still did it with Aitor! blech!) So I feel it wasn’t weakness but an escape goat to get away from the pain she was feeling.
Dr. Piper... I see that you are feeling well after being sick. I agree with -K (Nov 17, 2009 11:51AM) That was quite a long post that could had been a rebuttal lecture... just suggesting in case you wanted to make it flash with dazzling pictures and music.
BUT I will agree with you. I don’t believe in soulmates for myself. Television and films portray it so grand that it does give a person to rethink it. Although, I may think Pepa and Silvia were meant to be together, that was for tv-land.
Dr. Piper wrote:
There is no neon sign, no pointing arrow, no tattoo that tells you that person is your soulmate. The truth of the matter is you do not know.
EXACTLY. How are we to know who is our soul mate. We can’t just go with our gut, our feelings, or saying: I just know. Because how do you justify “just knowing”?
I’m not a love hater. I’m open to love but I know what I’m looking for and willing to make it work.
And I’m not trashing the people who do believe in soul mates (Booker, Scoopgirl and others). We need people with this belief, for this positive energy just so the non-believers don’t suck the world into dreary end.
I believe in soulmates. I meet a girl like that. I'm so close so warm so happy when I'm with her. she totally owns my heart and my soul. when I look at her eyes or she looks at my eyes. we know what we want to say. it's soulmates right ? you don't believe in it cuz you don't meet someone like that yet. believe me ! soulmates really exist like love at the first sight in "Image you and me"
Q18: Great lecture. I meant to write a whole comment but I couldn't. Phone not compatible I reckon. However I was deeply touched. Hope everyone can experience that at least once.
Wow Scoopy. A gelato maker and someone who has a way with words? No wonder Dr. B loves you :)
I dunno if I believe in the idea of soulmates. I do think that everything that happens in life happens for a reason (the good and the bad). So when you meet someone with whom you share a strong connection with, is that destiny or fate or something else? I dunno, but your lec is very convincing of the possibility that everyone has a soulmate out there somewhere.
Excellent job! I hope Dr. B rewards you w/ some of her romantic storytelling :)
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