11 November 2009
LHDP 4x03
By Dr. Piper
(with translation and smart ass comments by Dr. Bekelauer)
(If you want to watch the episode without downloading it, the link is at the end of the post)
Aitor and Quique found a guy wearing only his pajamas in a construction site. He seemed out of it, so they bring him to Silvia who then proceeds to examine him in the lab.
Silvia: And he wasn’t carrying any sort of ID?Aitor: Not really, nothing at all. We found him just like that, in his pajamas, inside an excavator [Translator's Reaction: WTF?] and he could not remember anything. The only evidence we have is this, look, this wristband, with FIB written on it. Have you not been to the Festival de Benicassim, have you? *joking*
Silvia: No, Fundación Ignacio Barandianán. It’s a private investigation centre.
Silvia does not pay any attention to Aitor's tonterias and smart ass remarks but examines Pajama Guy thoroughly until she sees something in his head.
Silvia: Apparently they have held his head with forceps. He still has the marks, but no signs of ecchymosis, so it was only a couple of hours ago. What’s this? Oh my god!Aitor: What’s wrong?Silvia: His head is full of prick marks… And he has a deep cut in his parietal area.Quique: So what does that mean?Silvia: It means somebody has performed surgery on this man’s brain.
On the Comisaria floor, Silvia saw Mariano and Paco with a rather distinguished-looking guy who was brought in by Dumb and Dumber Quique and Aitor in connection to Pajama Guy.
Silvia: Paco! Why is that man under arrest?Paco: Because he is suspected of the torture performed on that dude we brought here this morning, you know, the one in the sleeping gown [Translator's snide remark: I thought he was wearing PJs!] Why? Do you know him?
Silvia: Hombre, just I and 90% of the scientific community know him. He is Doctor Nuñez Prado.
Mariano: Does he have a criminal record?
Silvia: A criminal record? He’s one of the nominees for this year’s Prince of Asturias Award! He is a leading figure in the field of neurology!
Paco: Fuck my fucking luck, for fuck’s sake, cojones! [Translator's Note: This is an awesome lost-in-translation blasphemous line haha!]
Mariano: Silvia! Even if he is an important dude, we can’t let him go, can we? You already saw what he did to that fella, he fucking plugged his brain to a machine [kinda!]. Paco!
Silvia: Well, you’re gonna have to phone the head office, somebody up there needs to know.
Paco: I can’t fucking get anything right, holy cows… Bloody… Portillo!
Paco, Mariano, and Silvia are in the briefing room to question Dr. Nuñez Prado. Silvia talks scientific talk - very swoonerfic! Also, her legs are crossed very daintily, not like the butch cross legs in Season 3
Paco: I want you to understand that you’re not under arrest, but only detained by the Fiscalía General del Estado [Translator's Note: Big judges, nosey people in general - it’s a very important judicial institution], until we can prove your involvement in the crime. Doctora Castro, go ahead.Silvia: Okay. Doctor Nuñez Prado, I have examined you patient and I have found incisions in his lobes, burns and abrasions. What kind of treatment did he undergo?Doc: He underwent an exposure to gamma rays, combined with mild ESD [Translator's Note: I am really not sure that’s correct, but I don’t seem to be able to find a technical name for controlled ESD] in the brain and propanolol, in order to render useless a large amount of chemical synapses.
Silvia: What was the aim of such a treatment?
Doc: The aim was to erase memories.
(Mariano has flashbacks of Lola. It seems an extensive lobotomy is a good Plan B right now.)
Silvia: But that kind of treatment is not authorized by either the Ministry of Health or the WHO!Scene of the trio (Paco, Mariano, and Silvia) questioning Pajama Guy are interspersed with Dr. Nuñez Prado
Doc: Of course not! This treatment is still in development. It has a 6000-page long investigation dossier, which was approved by the Centro Superior de Investigaciones Científicas [Translator's Note: Scientific bigwigs], probably without even being read.
Paco: You have erased a man’s identity and memories, and that is a crime.
Doc: Abortion was also a crime! Just like our revolutionary OCD treatment with controlled electric shocks, which I’ve been developing since 1994. Today, over 2000 clinics around the world use it.
Silvia: Are you seriously justifying this memory removal to fight a disease?
Doc: Yes, it is a selective removal. We are completely sure that we are able to delete meticulously any sort of tormenting memory for the patient.
Paco: For the love of God, have you not seen the state of that poor man?
Doc: […] in the occipital lobe [Translator's Note: Seriously – do they think people understand this technocrap?] that interferes with people’s will to live. What’s wrong with that? This man lost his wife and two of his children in a car accident. Two years later, his remaining daughter died after a long illness. His tragedy did not let him carry on with his life, and was pushing him obsessively towards suicide. He has seven suicide attempts recorded in our clinic for overdose, and three others for wrist injuries. Have you seen his wrists? Forgetting has saved his life, and I managed to allow him to start from scratch, and I don’t care what the Fiscalía General del Estado says. If your memories didn’t let you live, wouldn’t you prefer to delete them?
[Mariano has Lola flashbacks again]
Pajama Guy: Have you seen The Towering Inferno? It’s an awesome movie. Whoa!
Paco: Doctor, the Fiscalía General del Estado authorizes us to release you, but urges you to remain reachable for the time being.
[knock on the door]
Paco: Come in.
Doc: If your memories didn’t let you live, wouldn’t you prefer to delete them?
[Mariano flashbacks. Again. And Dr. Nuñez Prado's words reverberate in his brain. No pun intended.]
DL is being questioned in the Interrogation Room. Unbeknownst to the interrogators and interrogated, Aitor had wired the room for a live feed and the Pacos are in an office to watch the proceedings.
Lola: [What we’re going to watch] the interrogation room, is it legal?
Paco: Well, you know, honey…. Dunno, dunno… Maybe not completely legal, but I tell you one thing: they’re gonna have to kill me if they don’t want me to see what’s going on in there [Translator's Note: Paco’s words are rather senseless but I’m guessing that’s what he really means… deep down]
Quique: The judge is entering the interrogation room.
Paco: Come on, boy, it’s not working!
Aitor: No, no, I dunno, Inspector, I did what you told me, I took a video and an audio cable from the Control Room and plugged them into the TV
Quique: That’s it, you can see now, there was a dude in front of the camera [Translator's Reaction: muahuahua this is SO LHDP!!]
[Interrogation Room]Judge: I am the judge handling the indictment for this case. Following the legal procedures, you have the right to have a defense lawyer, Don Lorenzo.
Don Lorenzo: I know. I relinquish such right.
[Briefing Room]
Quique: Yes, sir, that’s it, with balls of steel. Don Lorenzo is gonna get back at them all [Translator's Note: Silvia’s face here is priceless]

Paco: Would you stop eating my ear already?
Montoya [walking in]: What the fuck are you all doing here? [Translator's Smartass Comment: Scruffy is my middle name!! Shave, dude, shave!] Paco, have you authorized this?
Paco: Yes, and I know it’s illegal, but you’re gonna let us all watch the interrogation, and if you don’t wanna stay, you can go and write a little letter outside, OK?
[Interrogation Room]
Judge: According to the declarations of several witnesses, the death of Miss Ruth Montalbán was the consequence of an act of self-defense.
[Briefing Room]
Quique: Of course, there was no other way around! [Background noises, chat]
Paco: Shut up already, this is not a literary gathering, fuck!
[Interrogation Room]Awkwardness in the Briefing Room, sad faces, people crying, and Montoya at the back with a fuck-off-you-killed-my-girlfriend look.
Don Lorenzo: If you want me to tell the truth… I am not entirely sure.
Judge: According to the same sources, you had a relationship with Miss Montalbán but then broke up. Is that correct?
Don Lorenzo: That’s true.
Judge: And it is true that seconds before the shot you received a phone call in which you were informed that Montalbán was the infiltrator that you had been looking for for seven months.
Don Lorenzo: Brrffff… Hummm… Maybe.
Judge: You have been a police officer for over 40 years and you have 6 Medallas al Mérito Policial [Translator's Note: The highest authority in the police force – Cuerpo Nacional de Policía]. Honestly, Commissioner, if it hadn’t been Doctor Montalbán, do you reckon you would have only disarmed her and now she would be able face a fair trial?
Don Lorenzo: Probably
Judge: I have no other option but to order your imprisonment without bail, with the charges of first degree murder.
Dramatic scene as DL is being led out of the Interrogation Room - in handcuffs and now accused of a crime. One by one, the people at the precint saw DL's Jail March down the Greenish Mile.
Out of respect for DL, Portillo removes the handcuffs when they reach the top of the steps. And as DL is walking down the marble staircase to a really dramatic music with muffled drums, like he is being led to his execution, the comisaria (including Lola) all stop in their tracks. Paco starts clapping and amid a crescendo of claps, DL stops and looks proudly on. Now in tears, he continues his descent and pauses in front of his 2 daughters. Tender family scene of him hugging Silvia and Lola.Other plots: Sara is back from Madagascar and still pretty mad at Lucas. Mariano has been phone-stalking Lola by calling her and then hanging up. (What, no caller ID?) Finally, Lola basically told him that she knows it is he who's been calling, and to leave her alone. This of course breaks his heart, and since moving to Bogota is no longer under consideration, he has another brilliant idea - to undergo Dr. Nuñez Prado's experimental procedure and simply forget - to the disadvantage of DL's defense who needs his testimony to collaborate DL's statement (about getting a call from him that Ruth was the mole). Meanwhile, Lucas and Povedilla are undercover in prison where Salazar and his homies are jailed. Sara visits Lucas to break up with him, and Paco comes to vent about his horrible day as acting comisario. Rita goes to see Pove, of course. This is the episode where Pove is raped. (Where the fuck is Lucas? Oh, he got his arm broken!) Of course Pove is traumatized and wants to go home to his daughter. He is already packing when DL is brought in, so Lucas says to Pove that they have to stay to protect DL. Sara tries to sexy talk Aitor, but he's now in like with Carlota and tells her to fuck off. He says that he wasn't born yesterday and he knows that she and Lucas planned the Madagascar rendesvouz. (Take that!) Paco and Sara have a tender father-daughter moment.
Watch clip in HD
Piper's Commentary:
No drama with Silvia this episode. She is simply Silvia: she is in control, she is a doctor, she is a daughter - the things she is best at being. Her technical questions to Dr. FeelGood emphasize her detach and cool demeanor. Silvia, in other words, is simply acting her second-billed role.
I still want to smack Mariano upside down, but then I shouldn't because I've been there: falling in love with the most unlikely person and getting my heart broken in the process. We've all been there. We should be patient with him even if his stupidity is beyond sympathy (but still within snarky). But really? First, he was going to MOVE to Bogota just like that so he did not have to face Paco. Now he wants his memories erased, damned be all?!! Really? My advice, Mariano, is to give it about 2 episodes then you'll be good as new. And Sara - what made you think Aitor is so stupid as to still be in love with you after you dissed him for Madagascar? Oh wait, he would still be in love with you and then the 2 of you would annoy the heck out of all of us in what would be Silvia's last season. The Pove story was a bit too much, but I guess that's what really happens in prisons. But still.
All in all, a drama-free episode for Silvia, but it showcases the character we have fallen in love with: strong, smart, incredible medical instinct, very hot in red... Silvia 4.0 evolving before our eyes. And I will say it again: this is the only way she can be open and receptive to Pepa. Any other time and Pepa would have been yesterday's soup du jour. Silvia needs to find Silvia again, before she can even be ready for the next chapter in her life.
Marian Aguilera, Los Hombres de Paco, Silvia Castro Leon
Smart ass comments are always helpful haha. Great lecture, Boss. As usual. :D
I love how Silvia and Doctor Lobotomy start a technocrap debate while Paco and Mariano are just standing there, not really getting a word of what's been said apart from "delete memories" - yes, Mariano, a lobotomy is what you need because your Lola-loves-her-husband-who-happens-to-be-my-best-friend-and-not-me drama is exactly the same kind of suffering as the pijama dude. No, Mariano, you can't get dumber!
I agree with your Dr Piper.
This season is where Pepa is introduced but in order for Silvia & Silvia-fans be receptived to this change, Silvia has to be in a point of her life where she is drama-free - in short, nothing much happening to her. She's not fawning over Lucas or attached to Montoya in some way. She's Silvia, the kick-ass Forsenic Inspector who knows how to do her job!
Great lecture!
Null hypothesis (H0)- Dr.Piper is not awsome.
The null hypothesis has been rejected within 2 D.F!
Great lecture Dr.Piper, I agree with you, Marian+ red top= one fine lady!
Q18: You're awesome. Wicked cool. Great lecture. The words were like Velvet. I don't know who to praise more Dr. P Or Dr. Beke. Oh Hell Both! :DDD But for real this was great. I'm glad to read a lecture that shows how awesome Silvia is and not pining over Lucas. Loved it. Glad to be a part time student.
great lecture Dr P and Dr Beke. thanks so much. after watching these episodes last year in spanish, it is so wonderful to have them make some sense. This typical LHDP scene was the DL at the end with everyone looking--so much pomp and circumstance and it sucks me right in.
You are right about Silvia. This is the season where she discovers herself and that she doesn't need a man. And I also enjoyed the pink bra with the red top.
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