20 November 2009
LHDP 4x05
By Dr. Pied Piper
(with translations and smart ass comments by Dr. Bekelauer)
(If you want to watch the episode without downloading it, the link is at the end of the post)
The episode begins with Mariano getting ready to get his brain flushed. Dr. Lobotomy asks him if he's sure and they they proceed to vacuum out his bad memories. This freaky green light scans his face while he flashbacks to his memories with Lola in descending order, and then it's done.

Pepa: Si? Who's this? Eh, sorry, but I can't hear you. Who are you? Si? Hola?

Silvia: If you don’t relax, I’m not going to find your vein.
Montoya: Let’s see, what’s this whole random drug test about?
Silvia: The district attorney who’s handling my father’s case has ordered it because Portillo asked him to.
Montoya: Portillo? Fuck!
Silvia: Come on, relax.
Montoya: That’s all I needed!
[Silvia draws Montoya’s blood]

Silvia: Did I hurt you?
Montoya: The first or the second time you broke up with me?
Silvia: The prick, I meant.
Montoya: I will get over it… over the prick. [Translator's sarcasm: No, Gongon, you are the prick here! Piper's sarcasm to Translator's sarcasm: What the #$%^ is "Gongon"?]
Silvia: Hold that tight so you don’t get a bruise.
Montoya: Ehhmmm… How are you?
Silvia: How do you think I am…? Fine. Why?
Montoya: After what happened with your… With our… baby… Lots of things have happened after that and we haven’t talked about anything.
Silvia: [watery eyes] I feel fine [Translator's reaction: Somehow I don’t buy it!]. Now all you have to worry about is yourself, all right? And if you need to talk or anything else, you just tell me.
Montoya: Well, if it’s “something else”… maybe yes [Translator's note: He means sex].
Silvia: Gonzalo, I’m being serious. I don’t think you’re fine and making stupid jokes won’t fix anything [Translator's swoon: Super hot authoritarian line, lovely!]

Gonzalo: Well, I AM fine. I am fabulous [Translator's comment: I know fabulous doesn’t do justice to "de puta madre", but since he used it before in 4x04 I decided to make it his recurrent phrase, it’s called Translator’s decision-making power]While Lucas, Pove, Salazar, Salazar's homie, and dirty prison cop are running away from the prison house, Sara is moping at home. Lola comes in to talk to her, and since she did not close the door, it's an open invitation for Paco to come in as well but Sara is still really angry about the whole Madagascar thing. Haha! I have visions of Sara talking to Melman and Alex. Paco gets a call to meet DL at the comisaria, Mariano is eating a jamon serrano bocadillo, and Lola sees an application to join the Cuerpo Nacional de Policia on Sara's bed.
Silvia: You sure? Then why are your hands shaking?
At the comisaria, Montoya is lying naked in the shower, kinda fetal position, half crying, lost… Silvia draws the shower curtain and finds him lying there.
Silvia: Gonzalo! [shocked] Are you all right?
Montoya: Ehmmmm… Sss… Yes, I am fine [Translator's sarcasm: sure you are…] I had just finished. Ehmmm… Your dad, is he all right? Is he coming here?
Silvia: Yes, he is on his way. They’re going to make him give his deposition again in a couple of hours.
Montoya: Well, it looks like everything’s better now.Still in the changing room. Silvia is taking a shower. Montoya… has a dirty mind! He draws the shower curtain, Silvia picks up her towel INSANELY SLOWLY – excuse me - and the Translator starts hyperventilating.
Silvia: Well, yes, everything’s going back to place [Translator's pervy comment: He’s looking at her with a mixture of sadness and desire, I can’t tell]. I’m gonna take my shower, okay?
Montoya: Yeah, go ahead.
Silvia: … It’s just that I’ve performed four autopsies today and my body smells like the Anatómico Forense [Translator's note: It’s a Spanish forensics institution where the important or relevant autopsies are performed, so not the nicest of scents!] Are you okay?
Montoya: Yes, yes, I’m fine.
Montoya: Hello… No… Are you not gonna ask me what was I doing lying there?
Silvia: Gonzalo, I would love if you told me anything you have to tell me without me asking you. [Silvia removes some foam from Montoya’s hair] Come in [Translator's and Piper's reaction: WTF?], you have shampoo all over your hair.
[Translator's observation: Montoya goes in, Silvia rinses his hair – is it just me or this is a very weird sweet asexual scene?]
Montoya: Silvia, those tests you were running before… are…
Silvia: The attorney wants to know if you’re clean.
Montoya: What if I’m not?
Silvia: Disciplinary action would be taken against you, and your statement in my father’s case would be rejected.
[They hug – very moving]
(How hot is Silvia, really?)
House: Lola is complaining about her daughter wanting to become a cop: she's already the daughter, wife, and sister of one. The last thing she wants is to be the mother of one as well. Sara hears all this, because apparently in Spain, it is socially acceptable to listen in to private conversations. After Sara goes out, Paco has the brilliant idea to get her to talk to his shrink. Mariano is ready to go back to his apartment about 5 steps away, thanks his hosts, and tells Lola, in a totally casual way, that she's looking beautiful.(Sorry, I couldn't stop making Silvia screen caps. How about her waterproof mascara, huh?)
Prison: Pove, Lucas, Salazar, et. al., are waiting out the riot inside the jail office. Apartment: Sara is outside when Aitor walks in to deliver an envelope for Paco. She again tries to rope Aitor back, telling him that they had something before the whole Madagascar thing, but Aitor is adamant that it is over. Sara cries because she's now single and the convent seems like a good place to mend her broken heart and broken ego.

Paco: Silvia, did they bring your father already?
Silvia: We’re still waiting. What happened to you, Mariano?
Mariano: Nothing, just got a tiny cyst removed.
Silvia: But are you okay?
Mariano: Yeah, I’m fine.
Silvia: Well, I’ll see you in a bit then.
Paco: Yeah, sure.

DL, in handcuffs, walks into the precint.
Silvia: [coming downstairs] Papa… How are you?
Don Lorenzo: Very well.
Silvia: What’s that in the back of your neck?
Don Lorenzo: Nothing… I banged my head against the van door while getting in… I’m fine, honey.
Silvia: You have bags under your eyes. Are they controlling your sugar levels?
Don Lorenzo: Yes.
Silvia: Okay. You got your FG tests?
Don Lorenzo: Yes, I got everything tested, FG, the Ph, everything. I am doing well, honey, very well.

Paco: Don Lorenzo…
Don Lorenzo: Yes…
Paco: Povedilla…
Don Lorenzo: [to Rita] How is Sabinica doing?
Rita: She’s very healthy.
Paco: So yeah... Have you seen Povedilla?
Don Lorenzo: No, I haven’t seen him.
Paco: And Lucas?
Silvia: They have just informed me that Lucas has been discharged and he’s not in the infirmary anymore. He’s with the rest of the inmates. And apparently there’s some sort of a riot in the backyard.
Don Lorenzo: They got a little nervous when they saw me leave. People in there get very sentimental with farewells [Translator's reaction: He cracks me up]
Portillo: Captain, your lawyer is waiting for you in the interrogation room. And both the attorney and the judge are coming at 2130 to take your statement. If you don’t mind coming with me, please.
Paco: Portillo, do think this is necessary? [pointing at Don Lorenzo’s handcuffs]
Portillo: I would like to take them off myself, but until the judge passes a different judgment, Captain Castro is still under protected custody. Those are the rules…
Paco: Do you want me to tell you where I shove your rules? [Translator's snide remark: Is it a Captain thing to shove things up their santos cojones?] Do you want me to tell you?
Don Lorenzo: Paco, Paco, Paco… It’s all right. The Inspector is just fulfilling his obligations. Okay?
Paco: Okay.
Don Lorenzo: C’mon, let’s go.
Silvia: Papa… [Translator's note: She stops him, looks at him in the eye very tendery, lifts his arms and hugs him thru the handcuffs. Cheesy music in the back… Everybody joins the hug – I would say “this looks like a big Teletubbie gathering” if it wasn’t because I think it’s very moving.]
Don Lorenzo: [touched] You don’t know how thankful I am. You don’t know how much I’ve been longing to be back here with you all.

Watch clip in HD
Piper's Note: If last episode was kick-ass Silvia, this one shows really HOT Silvia. Shower scene. Need I say more? Of course Montoya ruined an otherwise perfect scene, but we can imagine Pepa in his place, and the shower being the one at Paco's house... you know where I'm going with this.
But it always breaks my heart when I see DL and Silvia - how Silvia mothers him, a role she probably assumed after her mother died, how he adores her daughter in return - and then I think about Ep 104 and I cannot imagine the pain DL must have been through, if he were a real feeling person. So I just pretend that 104 never happened and Pepa and Silvia are somewhere in Centre City, Philadelphia attending The Vidocq Society's monthly symposium, and I will be meeting them for dinner later. Yeah, that's it.
Marian Aguilera, Laura Sanchez, Pepa, Silvia, Los Hombres de Paco, LHDP
from the bottom of my heart, I say thank you big time. this has always been one of my favorite episodes but it killed me not to know what the hell was going on. I had to force myself to watch the shower scene at least 20 times to figure it out, and I still couldn't!
I love Pepa looking like she never looked again.
and the shower scene...you wanted to reach out and touch Silvia's skin...the simple beauty of her face...I wanted to wash her back so much...and I wondered how many takes did that scene take and how much fun (not much) was it to film for the two of them. Who cares? And the show was saying loud and clear that Silvia had moved on and was done with Montoya, and men in general.
One of my favorite moments is between Silvia and DL. When I first saw this, my eyes filled. It is so simply done, with no fanfare, but it said enough. PP, you are right, Silvia was the care taker of her father, esp when he had health issues. Let no one doubt how much she adored him.
A wonderful walk down memory lane. besos to PP and Beke.
Silvia was very caring in this episode. And very beautiful. Ay carramba!
HILARITY ENSUES. Laughed and laughed as usual. Especially when the screengrabs started getting stuck and didn't match the narrative. You guys are totally gifted. :-D
Random thought: maybe Sanchez needed a few acting instructionalez prior to engagement... that intro scene to Pepa was hammier than lunch at the Museo de Jamon.
I'm guessing a family member on staff in the LHDP cafetaria noticed and told her to dyke it down, because thankfully by the time we got to the shooting gallery scene, the hair had grown and the killer smile was operational.
The shower scene is just too good. And too hot. I could watch it forever. There's a cute weird asexual way Silvia treats Gonzalo, as if he was her little brother or something, which makes it even better because had it been any sexual tension I don't think I'd like it as much.
But hands down, the scene with the Teletubbie hug is the best scene so far in the whole S4, imo. Awesome lecture, Boss, and thanks a lot. :)
This was one of Silvia best episodes. She displays her strength and intelligence like no other, but she hides her vulnerability.
But with Silvia, she can let go of the past but it still is a part of her. She will always have a love for Lucas, she will always be part of Montoya and help him but this is the point where Silvia is moving on. If she wasn't moving on, her character would probably go back into a relationship with Montoya just to get him better.
This was a great way to in introduce Pepa'sc character. It's subtle but leaves us wanting to know what does she have to do with the story.
Well done in the lecture Dr. P and Beke!
Q18: Great lecture as usually. I may be a puppy and say thanks for keeping Pepsi alive. I get all jittery when I see an episode with Pepa because I know the magic that will occur. :P
As Beke great job as well. Hope Dr. P continues with your "bonus."
OMG, Silvia is so beautiful.
I have to go watch that episode.
I will just try to picture pepa in there with her instead.
There is nothing sexier than a wet silvia!!!
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