15 November 2009
LHDP 4x04
By Dr. Pied Piper
(with translations and smart ass comments by Dr. Bekelauer)
(If you want to watch the episode without downloading it, the link is at the end of the post)
Paco is overwhelmed with his life: Mariano and Lola, the precint (since he's acting comisario), the Salazar case - among others. His shrink has been very patient, but one too many phone calls and he's fast approaching pest status. After a particularly violent nightmare where he finds Lola in bed with Mariano whom he ends up shooting, he called for a "meeting" among the 3 of them (remember, Mariano lives next door). At the kitchen table, he gives them their freedom but Lola vehemently professes that she never loved Mariano and she only loves her husband, and they end up hugging and kissing. Mariano is heartbroken and silently walks away. Paco visits Lucas and Pove in jail: Pove wants to go home and Lucas takes this jailhouse visit as a good opportunity to tell Paco that Sara broke up with him. **Barf!!!** Curtis is back at work. Montoya is drunk and unshaven and interrupts the daily briefing. Silvia comes in to tell Paco that the Interpol wants an update on the undercover jail mission and they have already called 6 times. There's just something so sexy about the way Silvia says "interpol". *swoon*

Silvia: “Is there something wrong, Gonzalo?”Gonzalo: “What? With me? No, not at all, I’m fabulous…” [Translator's Reaction: LOL!]
Rita: Inspector, can I have a minute, please? I wanted to apologise for what I said the other day [Translator's snide remark: It's about time!]. I was very nervous about the baby, and I lost it. I said very nasty things.
Silvia: It’s all right. But how could you even think that I wanted to steal your baby?
Rita: I know, I know. It was the maternal instinct, and since my maternal instinct is from Murcia [Translator's Note: People from Murcia are notorious for being quite rude and thick – Rita is the best example; she’s lovely, but not especially bright. It’s a hilarious line, btw]… it’s a bit coarse. That was it.
Rita: And, you know what? Sabinica asked me if you would like to be her Godmother at her baptism.
Silvia: Really?
Rita: Yes.
Silvia: I would love to be her Godmother, Rita.
Rita: Thanks very much, thank you.
Aitor (with Carlota) and Pignoise Boy are playing foosball at Cachis when Sara comes in. Aitor is being an ass (with good reason!) and asks Sara why she's there. Uhm, her mother owns the place, dickhead! Verbal duel between the 2 which then becomes a foosball match. Pove is sprung up from jail and is at the comisaria to get his hacking crash course. Silvia and IT lady are there to help him.Silvia: Paco!Paco: What?
Silvia: Paco! Povedilla called, he was very nervous. He said he managed to establish a contact with Salazar, but that he asked him to pass a test: he’s got to hack all security codes of the Jefatura Superior de Policía [Translator's note: the bigger bosses, the central, pretty much], tonight.
Paco: Fuck… Tonight? Well, we need to bring Povedilla here asap to prepare the mission, all right, Silvia?
Silvia: Okay. (Silvia looks at Sabinica adoringly)
Silvia: Here we are. Look, she is the head of the Unidad de Delitos Informáticos de la Central [Translator's Note: The IT experts in the police]IT Lady: Nice to meet you.
Silvia: Everything’s gonna be all right, you’ll see. Everything is under control.
Pove: No, excuse me, Inspector, that is not right. You have nothing under control. Nothing.
Silvia: You only need to digit several access codes that she’s gonna give you…
Pove: What the hell, what codes? Inspector, please, what are you saying? I can barely use Word, Excel and Minesweeper, and only user level… I have no idea… I know nothing about routes, or keys, or encrypting… no, no idea…IT Lady: Calm down, take it easy. It’s a fake. We have created a URM
Pove: Oh, she created a URM [with irony]
IT Lady: A User (?) Remote Monitorisation [Translator's smart ass comment: oh, that is very helpful, thanks], that you can access easily. You only need to memorize seven steps. Let’s see. Step one, you log on the computer. There will be RC4 trojan. Tell him you have developed it yourself. Step two, log on as an administrator. Step three, click on the icon Jefatura. Step four, enter the directory Jefatura, folder number 4. It’s called Dirección General de Seguridad. Step 5, you press Alt + F7 + V and then Enter [Translator's snide remark: Oh yeah, nerdy lady, it’s so easy. Pove’s fuck’s-sake face is evident and he starts having flashbacks]. Did you hear me? Alt + F7 + V and then Enter. Then the Trojan will be in the system
[Pove flashbacks]
Pove: ENOUGH! Enough, it’s over… I’m not doing this. By step 6, this guy has burnt me alive.
Silvia: Calm down, Povedilla.
Pove: Do you see me nervous, Inspectora? [Translator's sarcasm: No, not at all, Pove, you look very chilled out] Maybe I’m nervous cause that man has a thing for bonfires… Maybe that’s why I’m nervous… Maybe I’m nervous because that dude has already burnt a man alive in there… Maybe I’m nervous cause he walks about all day with a fucking lighter in his hand… Maybe that’s why I’m nervous, Inspector!
Silvia: But that man is being watched constantly, Povedilla.
Pove: But… what do you know about prison? What? That dude walks about wherever the fuck he wants. That dude… burns people alive. That dude changes his cell like he changes his underpants – and in his fucking cell he has a laptop with a GPS connection. And that’s what that dude does in jail.
Silvia: You are the only one who can do this, Povedilla. We cannot infiltrate another hacker in jail.
Pove: Well that’s a pity. It’s a pity, Inspector. Because I’m not going back in there, I swear I don’t. You can call the Ministry of Interior, the State Secretary and you can kick me out of the force. But I swear to God I am not coming back in.
Silvia: Is there anything wrong?Paco: No, nothing. Everything’s fine. What?
Silvia: Paco, we have a very serious problem with Povedilla. And Lola. She’s waiting for you in the office, she’s out of her mind and she doesn’t want to tell me what’s wrong.
Paco: Lola?
[Outside the locker room]
Paco: In which office? Your father’s?
Silvia: Yes.
Smith: Inspector, Inspector, Inspector…
Paco: Wait, hold on, two minutes, please…
Silvia: You have to talk to Povedilla NOW. We GOT a problem.Paco: A problem, yeah.
Silvia: And a very serious one.
Paco: A very serious problem, yeah. Stop recording right now, Mariano, and don’t move from here until I’m back, all right? Okay, please, Mariano, please.
[Interpol guys stop them]
DeGaulle: Can we start the meeting, sil vu plait?
Paco: Yes, yes, sí me plé [Translater's reaction: Pretend French - TOO funny!]. But you’re gonna have to excuse me for a second *sniffs… poo?*… A quick minute.
[Montoya stops him]Curtis: Boss!
Paco: What?
Montoya: I’m ready to give my statement.
Paco: Good, are you sure? Really? And what the hell is that? [notices a label hanging from Montoya’s blazer] Take this off, man! Let’s see, your breath [Translator's note: Montoya opens his mouth, all stinking of gin, I guess]. Blugh, God, the baby. Victoline [gives him a pill].
Montoya: Paco, I’m probably not done making mistakes, but if I fall, I will rise up again.
Paco: Come on, let’s go.
Curtis: C’mon, boss!
Silvia: [chasing them, coming from the other side of the stairs] But Paco, Povedilla is here! [Translator's reaction: Hahaha very funny!]
Paco: Mr Portillo, we have Inspector Montoya here, ready to give his statement.
Portillo: It’s okay, let him in.
Montoya: Inspector.
Rita: Thanks.
Silvia: Paco, come on, Povedilla, for God’s sake…
Paco: Silvia, just a minute.
Smith: INTERIM CAPTAIN!!!! [Translator's note: I have my doubts here, because I’ve seen a lot of comisario written around, but that it’s for civil uses –a ‘comisario’ is either a captain or a superintendent]Paco: Erhmmmm… Mister Smith, Monsieur DeGaulle… three minutes,…. Two, two… One… Come on…
Smith: I DEMAND an immediate urgent meeting with your superiors, ARE YOU LISTENING TO ME?
Paco: Fuck the Englishman’s temper… What’s wrong, Povedilla? What’s wrong?Pove: I don’t want to go back to jail, Inspector, that’s the matter. I am not going back in. That’s full of crazy bastards, people who don’t give a shit about anything, who wouldn’t mind kicking you to death or burn you alive in your bed, and I’m not going back in.
Paco: Let’s see, Povedilla. I understand your apprehension, and I understand who difficult this mission is, but you’re in a prison, it’s all under control, and that place is safer than it seems.
Pove: Safer than it seems? Can you two leave for a second, please?
[Pove tells Paco he’s been raped in prison. They both cry]
Smith: Look, I don’t know what’s going on, but I’ve been chasing you for two days now. I demand an immediate update on the mission.
Paco: There is no mission, it’s been cancelled. From now on, any investigation on the Salazar case is suspended.
Smith: Who? Who ordered that?
Paco: I did. I ordered that. It’s over. Full stop.
Rita: Inspector [noises, back chat]. Give me a second. Excuse me. I know I may not be the best to ask you to explain anything to me, but I don’t understand. I don’t understand why you cancelled Jose Luís’s undercover mission, I don’t know, you don’t trust him?Paco: No. No, yes, I mean, it’s not that. It’s not that I don’t trust him. He is just not ready for it. Not yet, Rita.Rita: But he’s been working his socks off here for two years. He’s given it all in every mission. Do you not remember when he was stuck in the coffin with the Chinese dude? Don’t you remember? And when he was buried? And when he got the boob job? [Translator's snide remark: seriously, Pove, you have the most surrealistic CV in the whole Spanish Police force!] I don’t know, but I haven’t heard him complain about anything, or having second thoughts about being a policeman. How can you say he’s not ready?

Paco: Rita, stop it. Povedilla is not ready, and he cannot handle this mission. Full stop, all right?Curtis: How can you say full stop? Can you not see that he’s been through tons of things that none of us would ever have the balls to do ourselves? I am responsible for this unit. I’m telling you, Inspector Miranda, that we’re not talking about a simple pawn. No, we’re talking about a professional, we are talking about a Señor Policía [Translator's note: A total professional], boss.
Rita: Come on, Inspector, let him show you. Because Jose Luís at first looks very weak, but then he is very brave, deep inside of him, he’s very brave. And I think he deserves an opportunity like everybody else. And furthermore, Sabinica knows it. I tell her every night that her dad is in jail but that when he’s out, he’s gonna be a hero [Translator's note: "Se va a coronar" – often used by Paco and Mariano. Literally means to crown yourself, which would roughly mean to do something right and with style. Very LHDP] [talking to Sabina] Yeah, you know that, mommy tells you, doesn’t she? Yeah? He’s gonna be the best, you know.
Paco: I’m sorry, Rita. It just can’t happen, sorry.
Pove: Inspector. I want to go on. I want you to reconsider your decision.
Paco: Povedilla, no.
Pove: Yes, Inspector, yes. Erhhhh, we have already contacted him, I have an hour to memorize what the expert tells me, and I really want to do it. To pick myself up from the floor and do it. If I don’t do it, no one’s gonna do it for me, and you know that. Inspector, trust me, all right?
Montoya is giving his statement and relieving the day that Ruth died. DL, at the jail infirmary with Lucas, is also having flashbacks, so he calls a nurse, writes his involvement in the Uriarte case and basically declares that he is ready to defend himself, as Lucas proudly looks on. The Interpol guys finally get their audience with Paco, but Lola comes in to give Paco the good news (about DL's jailhouse conversion), and they do a happy dance. Mariano is missing and Lola and Paco want to look for him, then Montoya comes in and hugs Paco because his meeting with Portillo was a success. De Gaulle and Smith realize that Paco won't have time for them that day. After the Spaniards left, the 2 interpol guys look at each other and sigh, resigned - "España". In jail, Pove "passes the test" so Salazar wants to take him. His homies start a fire to induce chaos and facilitate their escape.Silvia: Jose Luís, so then we go through the steps again, we only have an hour.Pove: Just a second.
Silvia: I’m sorry, you have to go back in. Sorry, Rita.
You rock piper.
I'm so glad your doing this, and that you have
a translator helping out for next season.
thanks for doing this.
This is a fabulous episode, and I love all the Silvia airtime. If I try to separate her beauty from the character and the acting...uh, who cares?! She takes my breath away and it is because she is so beautiful, but it is also her expressions, her voice, and her acting. Let us take a moment and take her in...ah.
Jose Luis is the best written male character, he is a lucky actor, as he is always being challenged. I am impressed that they took this story on. Remember that his rape plays into his talk with Silvia...when she had doubts and fears, he talked about his fear.
Congrats PP on your 100th post. Dr Beke, you have added a whole new dimension to the posts. gracias.
thank you very much. its always good to see old lhdp episodes and see Silvia. your comments are hilarious as usual, and the translated dialogues are awesome.
please say that you will also do the new season? pretty please?
- ana
Woo hoo! 100th post! Big clap for all the PepSi U staff! Awesome lecture, Boss. You just keep getting better and better. :D
I love this Silvia episode, it's just so LHDP - some drama, but very funny after all. The scene when she literally chases Paco saying "but Povedilla is in that other room" and the way her hair waves just cracks me up. Oh, and I just love Povedilla - so clumsy but so the best male agent in the precinct after all!
Thanks Dr B ;) I'm trying my best.
Wow, 100 posts! Congratulations on this milestone, and thank you for educating and entertaining us. If there really was a Pepsi Uni, I am so there. Great episode and letcture. Marian is simply gorgeous.
i am delurking to say congratulations on your lecture centernnial. and to say thank you. I enjoy visiting everyday and the marian pictures are the BEST!!!
Congratulation for the 100th post! *clap hands*
Really great lecture. Marian is simply fabulous, and very hilarious! I definitely enjoy seeing Silvia running around the precinct :). Her smile in the 2nd to the last pic... *swoon*
And, oh my god, poor Pove...:( my heart broke with all the trauma he went through. He's such a sweet and lovable character.
I think silvia was a little "too happy" to introduce IT Lady to Pove. I am not liking the blue blouse very much though. And big CHEERS for Sabinica! The best baby in Spain!
WoW! The 100th post... I didn't think PepSiU would have gotten to this milestone. Mainly because I thought people would waver away LHDP since episode 104.
Congrats PepSi University and let many more lectures come in! Thank you to all DPeps, MPeps, Executive Chefs, Assistants, Translators, Smut Writers and etc for making this site possible!!
Q18: Congrats on 100th post. Really great detailed episode. Silvia just kick arse and she looked smoking!
Glad Rita came to her senses and ask Silvia to be the god-mother. Awesome.
am i the only one who thinks Sabinica should get 1st billing? and what about Marian? other than being great, shes also smokin hot. and for some reason, scruffy Gonzalo looks hot as well. if he had remained scruffy, Silvia would be all over him again. gracias!
Thank you for the past episodes and the beautiful Marian pictues.
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